Saturday, September 27, 2008

For Love

After reading Laura Kipnis’s essay Against Love, I felt that I have to say something about it. She suggested that love is just something the society made up to benefits from. People have been brainwashed into believing that these long-term relationships are natural. It is true that the society benefits from people bonded together as communities, no matter large or small, but one cannot simply argue that “love” is something being invented to do a job. Love is not a worker; love is a God-given gift. It is so wrong to examine the factor and motivation of love in a scientific or academic way. In her essay, the author list out the daily-life materials that make love possible. It is not important what was on the list, because making a list about something metaphysical was wrong from the base. Laura also said in her essay “If you love me, you’ll do what I want – or need, or demand – and I’ll love you in return.” Love is not a deal. You do not talk about what you can offer and what you should get before going into a relationship. As we all know, love is something that is meant to be; it is a feeling to give, to give unconditionally.

The author’s tone in this essay was sarcastic and indifferent. However, this is obviously not a suitable tone to discuss the word “love”. In her argument, she compared sex between the couples as “assembly-line works”. This is just a blasphemy to marriage and love. In her eyes, human beings are like heartless or even ruthless animals. She thinks marriage is not a destination of love, but an excuse of more “physical entertainment”. All I can say is that she failed to understand the power of love and the extraordinary qualities of human. Love is a powerful thing; it is a special gift we are born with. With love, you cannot only pain, but also grow hope and more love to nourish the world.