Monday, February 9, 2009

The Picture of Dorian Gray : Chapter 12 & 13

I. Quotations
1. "I can't believe them when I see you. Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man's face. It cannot be concealed. People talk sometimes of secret vices. There are no such things. If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the droop of his eyelids, the molding of his hands even." (page 153-154)
  • Why would us fatuous human beings always have the will to repent after committing sins? Not everyone in the world is religious - they do not have a God to redeem then from their sins. So what is the impulse which motivates us all to confess? It is, indeed, the stigma of our sins which would be written on our faces afterward. We want ourselves to look good; at lease to look nice. The inner struggles before committing the sins and the burden of hearts after committing the sins will make people look sophisticated and gloomy - and these are the marks of ages. Dorian Gray, with his soul in the painting, is not bearing his sins because his spiritual sins never affect his physical appearance. When there are direct consequences which can be reflect on our own bodies to supervise us, immoral will always tip the scale of justice in its favor - and a sinner would be never be redeemed.
2. "The prayer of your pride has been answered. The prayer of your repentance will be answered also. I worshiped you too much. I am punished for it. You worshiped yourself too much. We are both punished." (page 162)
  • Basil Hallward, as one of the main character in this novel. was set up to be a contract to Dorian Gray and Lord Henry. Basil believes in art, love, and God. Compare to Dorian, whom has a corrupted heart, Basil can almost be seen as the visual stander of morality. However, like those great heroes in innumerable tragedies, Basil has his own downfall - the worshiping of beauty, illusive and artistic beauty. Basil's worship of charm gave him an illusion of a still-naive-and innocent Dorian. He refused to accept the fact that his "finest portrait of modern times" (27) has turned into a dreadful devil - in his mind, that is a blasphemy of the divinity of arts. Basil had to pay off his debt of sin by giving up his life. What about the other sinners, like Dorian Gray and Lord Henry? Will they be punished? Although Dorian and Harry are rich celebrities, "position and wealth are not everything" (153). God is the final judge - He will wait till the right moment comes and punish those pathetic people who considered them self "too late" (162) to be redeemed.
II. Vocabulary
1. blasphemy - [n.]
1> impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things
2> the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God

Ex. "This is blasphemy, Dorian! You might not say things like that." (157)

satyr - [n.] man with strong sexual desires
Ex. "This is the face of a satyr." (161)